Established in 2004, the Metropolitan Districts within North Station are local units of government created to fund the construction of public infrastructure for the North Station community. The Metro Districts issue debt to pay for the public infrastructure and the debt is repaid by property taxes levied within the Metro Districts’ boundaries. Public infrastructure includes streets, water, sewer, storm drainage, parks, trails, and other similar improvements, all serving the North Station community.
There are three Metro Districts within North Station. Metro District No. 1 is the operating District and is responsible for providing the day-to-day operations and administrative management of all of the Districts, including construction management during installation of the public infrastructure. Metro District No. 2 is the financing District for the residential properties within North Station and Metro District No. 3 is the financing District for the commercial properties within North Station. The financing Districts are responsible for issuing debt to pay for the public infrastructure and for levying property taxes to repay the debt.
To learn more about Metro Districts in general, here are three very useful websites: https://metrodistricteducation.com https://www.sdaco.org https://cdola.colorado.gov/special-districts
To learn more about your Metro District, find your property in the map below and select the District associated with your property